Welcome to our first newsletter!
Hello from all us at Staffordshire Parent Carer Forum. We wanted to use our first newsletter to let you know who we are, what we do and how you can join us.
StaffsPCF was formed after the previous Ofsted had asked for a parent carer forum to be set up. We are funded by the Department of Education, independent and we are all parents or carers of children with special educational needs and disabilities.
We aim to gather the many, many views and comments of all our members and put them together collectively. We are then able to take that collective voice and work in coproduction with service commissioners and providers in order to improve services for our children.
We are part of the regional and national network of parent carer forums (more than 150) across England that meet with the National Network of Parent Carer Forums to influence government policy.
None of this is possible without the parents and carers that volunteer their time to participate. Whether that’s becoming a member, filling out a survey, coming to share your experience at a webinar or coffee morning or attending meetings. You all play a vital role in our mission to shape the best services for children and young people with SEND in Staffordshire.
All information we receive is confidential in line with our GDPR and Code of Conduct policies, anonymised and only used to inform the development of current and future services at strategic level. You can find a link to our Membership Form and more information on our Join Us page here.
*Members will need to live in Staffordshire and be parents or carers of a child or young person with Special Educational Needs, is on the SEN register, has an EHCP, diagnosis of autism or learning difficulty, disability and aged 0-25 using services within Staffordshire. Parents and carers of children with SEND who use services in Staffordshire are also eligible to join.